Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hey Uncle Vinny

Hey there... I became an uncle last night ...

My sister gave birth to a new baby boy ... he is so adorable and cute ... wow!

I was watching my mother and how reflective and emotional she was as well... it was beautiful to see.

I am also thrilled for my brother-in-law and for my sister. That she has decided to take this initiation into life.

I am so happy for them and also happy to be an uncle. hummmm™

I have also been very interested in doing some cool things - tackling some goals and such. Found a cool web site that helps with this process - and there is a sister site called What I find has been really helpful is to enlist a group of friends to support you in your goals...

One goal that my friend Brian has invited me to was to do 10,000 pushups in 100 days. For a while I had gotten started and it was going well but... then I "fell off the wagon" (so to speak)... but what I learned was very valueable so I am very glad for the process and glad to report that I am back on track to completing my goal...

Cool Beans !

Ciao for now - as I am off to start attracting other goals ... I love life :) enjoy your day...
